SFTV ComicCon 2001 Photos

(Lot's of Digital Photos From ComicCon 2001 - about 1.6 Megs worth)


The Full Size Time Machine on Display



Time Machine Set Pieces and Props on Display

Me and Stan Winston     -      A Friend with Stan Winston & Tim Wilcox (designer of the Time Machine)

The SciFi Booth                        -                Rockne S. O'Bannon & Anthony Simcoe

The Invsible Man Cast

Andy Hallet doing group Karaoke at the Inkworks booth


Stargate SG-1 Aparrel             -                                 The Jeremiah Poster


The Witchblade Gauntlet  - Anthony Cistaro & Eric Etebari  -  The Witchblade helmet


Weird Al wandering the isles with his lovely wife                    -              Something almost too cute...

The Batmobile


Promoting the original Batman movie coming to DVD.